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What is the Mark Morgan book series?

Mark Morgan at Arts is a six-book, humorous, current-day, light science fiction, young adult book series written by Dion Shedd…which is a really long classification. How about it’s a humorous adventure series with a romantic subplot? Or it’s action with heart? There’s so much going on, I still haven’t made up my mind how to classify it.

Three books have been published, with the next on the way this fall. Hopefully!

assorted-title book lot placed on white wooden shelf


Comments from customers about books in the Mark Morgan series.

If you’d like a comment added here, go to the ‘About the Author’ page on this site, email me your comments, and I’ll add them to the list! Or leave your comments on Amazon, and I’ll copy them here. Or both, please! Everything helps! Thank you for reading my work!

An enjoyable read! Our brilliant, bored, orphaned, and futureless protagonist, Mark, receives a scholarship out of nowhere making it possible to go to a school for gifted children. There are your usual bullies, contests between students, romantic pairings, but there is also the opportunity to be more than you thought you could be for this school finds what you do best and challenges you to do it better. It is all too good to be true. Then Mark begins to realize some students just…disappear upon graduation…

5 star Amazon review for Mark of the Pirate

This was an excellent read. From the really (really) out there science to the cross-starred lovers and the Mad Scientist contest, it keeps moving. Funny with some laugh-out-loud moments. Pick it up and enjoy!

5 star Amazon review for Mad Mark


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